Serial Communication Arduino With Matlab
Serial Communication Arduino With Matlab Tutorial
I will try to keep this short if i can. Basically i am looking to read the serial port from arduino. I have a time of flight sensor which i have code which reads it in arduino, no issue at all. I was to be able to use this data in matlab. Free download 20 iso tank container dimensions programs running line. The data from the sensor is output to the serial monitor in the arduino software, so i believe i can open the serial port in matlab and then read the port there, effectively allowing me to use the data.However this is not seeming to work. I have reasonable values within arduino, they closely follow my hand movement etc, but in matlab it seems to have a noise or something which makes the data unreasonable. The curious thing is even with the pins completely disconnected from the there is still a serial port output and i am not sure why.If anyone is able to help i would appreciate that a lot.I will comment more details and my code.