The Happy Atheist Epub Format
Author: James LindsayEditor: James LindsayISBN: Size: 17,32 MBFormat: PDF, ePubRead: 568Does God exist? Does He do anything in this world? Famous authors like Richard Dawkins suggest strongly that it is very unlikely, but how unlikely is it?
God Doesn't; We Do brings James A. Lindsay's mathematical expertise to the question and is able to put the matter under a microscope only available through an understanding of abstract mathematics, which he makes accessible to any reader. Because of that, this book will change the conversation about the existence of God. The central theme of this book, though, points out that even if there were a God, we have no reason to believe He does anything at all in this world.
Thus the responsibility is on us, as it always has been, to make our world what it will be. From the back cover: Our world is one that is full of difficult challenges, and many people still turn to God for solutions or credit Him with ones that they find. The time for that kind of superstition is long passed. God Doesn't; We Do seeks to address the topic on philosophical grounds, making appeals to a scientific mindset and evidence-based decision making in fields where religion has dominated for centuries, including morality, politics, and even spirituality. The title really says it all- God Doesn't; We Do: Only Humans Can Solve Human Challenges. Author: Peter HarrisEditor: Wipf and Stock PublishersISBN: Size: 10,24 MBFormat: PDF, KindleRead: 643Christopher Hitchens was the most eloquent of the New Atheists. With great rhetorical polish and an encyclopedic mind for historical facts and literary quotations, he presents the case of anti-theism very effectively.
The Happy Atheist Epub Format Pdf
Though now deceased, Hitchens’ arguments continue to reverberate through his best-selling books and online presence. God, asserts Hitchens, would be, if he existed, the greatest of dictators. Religion, according to Hitchens, is morally bankrupt and madly irrational. The world is better off without them! But is this true? It is the purpose of this book to identify Hitchens’ worldview in order to subject it to a critique that will powerfully expose its many flaws.
Rather than a dictator, God will be shown to be a God of love. Christianity too will be revealed as a faith that ought to resist tyranny, provides the best foundation for intrinsic human value, and is a rational belief-system. In so doing, this book appeals to all who have been influenced or convinced by Hitchens’ arguments to reconsider their position and refuse to rage against the light. Author: Malcolm MurrayEditor: Broadview PressISBN: Size: 12,84 MBFormat: PDF, KindleRead: 383The Athiest’s Primer is a concise but wide-ranging introduction to a variety of arguments, concepts, and issues pertaining to belief in God. In lucid and engaging prose, Malcom Murray offers a penetrating yet fair-minded critique of the traditional arguments for the existence of God. He then explores a number of other important issues relevant to religious belief, such as the problem of suffering and the relationship between religion and morality, in each case arguing that atheism is preferable to theism.
The book will appeal to both students and professionals in the philosophy of religion, as well as general audiences interested in the topic. Author: Robert N. TaylorEditor: Xlibris CorporationISBN: Size: 19,84 MBFormat: PDF, ePub, MobiRead: 609Getting Through is the story of an ordinary, undistinguished, retired aeronautical engineer who recounts his experiences from late childhood through an idyllic adolescence, a mediocre public school education, a thwarted flying career, a bitching time in the Air Force, a second-tier now defunct engineering college, a marriage that went bad, and a career of underlying discontent with a few failures and some successes. Included are his fathers life recollections and the authors thoughts on philosophy, religion, nature and nurture, warfare, and the meaning of lifeending with accumulations of lifes journeythings done, places been, best books read, and the distance traveled on planet Earth. Getting Through, replete with wit, wisdom, and ignorance, tells us that no life is ever ordinary and that everyones story is worth telling. Author: Julia KristevaEditor: Columbia University PressISBN: Size: 10,79 MBFormat: PDF, ePub, DocsRead: 599As a linguist, Julia Kristeva has pioneered a revolutionary theory of the sign in its relation to social and political emancipation; as a practicing psychoanalyst, she has produced work on the nature of the human subject and sexuality, and on the 'new maladies' of today's neurotic. The Portable Kristeva is the only fully comprehensive compilation of Kristeva's key writings.
The second edition includes added material from Kristeva's most important works of the past five years, including The Sense and Non-Sense of Revolt, Intimate Revolt, and Hannah Arendt. Editor Kelly Oliver has also added new material to the introduction, summarizing Kristeva's latest intellectual endeavors and updating the bibliography.
Author: Richard Hughes GibsonEditor: Bloomsbury PublishingISBN: 147422220XSize: 20,99 MBFormat: PDF, ePub, DocsRead: 740Forgiveness was a preoccupation of writers in the Victorian period, bridging literatures highbrow and low, sacred and secular. Yet if forgiveness represented a common value and language, literary scholarship has often ignored the diverse meanings and practices behind this apparently uncomplicated value in the Victorian period. Forgiveness in Victorian Literature examines how eminent writers such as Charles Dickens, George Eliot, Thomas Hardy, and Oscar Wilde wrestled with the religious and social meanings of forgiveness in an age of theological controversy and increasing pluralism in ethical matters.
Richard Gibson discovers unorthodox uses of the language of forgiveness and delicate negotiations between rival ethical and religious frameworks, which complicated forgiveness's traditional powers to create or restore community and, within narratives, offered resolution and closure. Illuminated by contemporary philosophical and theological investigations of forgiveness, this study also suggests that Victorian literature offers new perspectives on the ongoing debate about the possibility and potency of forgiving.
Author: Jonah F. HaddadEditor: Wipf and Stock PublishersISBN: Size: 20,45 MBFormat: PDFRead: 506Accosted by hatred and living out a dismal existence in Dirt Place, we humans have tried and failed to find the source of love. Many philosophies of love have proved powerless in satisfying our need for this pure and true thing. One after another, the world's religions fail to illuminate its reality and beauty.
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All the while, the overwhelming presence of evil has forced love into the shadows of elusiveness. But through the barrage of attempts to explain love's source, it is the Christian God alone who has brought meaning, value, and eternal significance to this oft-misunderstood virtue. It is the Christian God alone whose divine and perfect love was revealed in all its splendor in the cross of Jesus Christ. In Leaving Dirt Place, Jonah Haddad explores a multitude of philosophies and religions whose flawed accounts of love must ultimately yield to the truth of Christianity.
The Happy Atheist Epub Format File
This thoughtful and challenging apologetic presents a clear case for the true God of love.