World Of Warships Freezing Rating: 9,7/10 6871 reviews

Hi.I'd like to see if i can get some help with the constant game freezes and crashes. This has been going on for months now, i just assumed WG would fix the problem but i was wrong so im here to ask if anyone can help out.A lot of the time the game just freezes and i cant do anything but hit the reset button and restart my computer, which is very very annoying. But sometimes i do get a crash screen with info, so here it is if anyone has a clue what it means. Ive been onto WG support, and i did all they told me to do- and still the problems is the exact same, its clearly a problem on WG's side that they clearly have no want to crashing still every 2/3 games, ive had multiple game crashes today alone, i also have 80 crashes registered in the crash folder, and tbh thats likely only half of what ive really had over the last 2months only.This game is unplayable for me atm and ive decided to stop playing, perhaps ill pop back in 6 months to see if anything has been fixed, but i actually think WG think there is nothing to fix, up to them i guess. Full virtual memory.not claiming it's the sollution, but this might help:(or any tech website that details how to increase virtual memory)don't expect wonders, though, it's fake ram using the hdd, so it's very slow, unless you have an ssd in there, and it's only a stopgap measure. You should look into the reason why your ram is full. Use task manager to narrow down resource hogs, and make sure you're virus free.

Buying more ram won't help you, unless you reinstall windows, because x86bit OS can only use 4gb ram, rest is not detected/allocated. For more, you need x64bit.

World Of Warships Freezing

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