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Posted Mar 17/17Court documents reveal deep roots of corruption and collusion between Monsanto and the EPA. The EPA declared that Monsanto’s Roundup weed killer was safe without conducting tests on it. It relied solely on Monsanto research.
Monsanto’s lead toxicologist, in her deposition to the court, admitted that the company did not run studies to see if there is a link to cancer. The EPA’s Jesse Rowland of the agency’s Cancer Assessment Review Committee even tried to kill cancer research conducted by the World Health Organization that indicated Roundup was carcinogenic.The post appeared first on.Nasa Whistleblower say Geo- Engineering ( chemtrails) are destroying Ozone! Posted Mar 15/17Our most sincere gratitude to this courageous former NASA avionics engineer for his efforts on revealing this extremely dire data. Will continue to work directly with him and will continue to post updated information as rapidly as we can. All of us are needed on the critical battle to wake the masses, while it can still make a difference.May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story. 1) EFF: Data Collected From Utility Smart Meters Should Be Protected By The Fourth Amendment2) BC Hydro wants to build a substation below a school and a city park.
For years the evidence has been available that exposure to even very weak magnetic fields is dangerous. Here are 2 documents that should be sent to the school board, BC Hydro, the City of Vancouver, as well as teachers and parents of students who might attend. This must not be approved.––3) Momentum is building, with the announcement of Cyprus joining other countries in limiting exposure to children to wifi in schools. Meanwhile Health Canada has not even done what HESA recommended in 2010 and again in 2015 – start an education campaign for the public.“Cyprus Removes Wi-Fi from Kindergartens and Halts Wireless Deployment Into Public Elementary Schools”4) Please see below in letters. It is important that we submit comments in an effort to stop the microcell, 5G, transmitters in the US. And we should be submitting a similar petition to Industry Canada. We have not given our permission to be irradiated in our homes.
I hope you will submit comments by Wed. And share this with friends.5) Please note that on the website for “The Truth about Cancer” there are ads for a device, the Wave Rider, that claims to remove EMF from the air. This is totally bogus. Not only will people be wasting money but worse they will believe they are protected from the RF/EMF emitted by wireless devices or dirty electricity, and might do things they wouldn’t otherwise do. There is no magic way to protect yourself and family – no pendant, no gadget.
Eliminating wireless devices that you can, staying away from ones you cannot remove are the only ways to protect yourself.This from electrical engineer William Bathgate:There is no way this works, the Dirty Electricity is in the wire not in the air. It is really really bad what the meter companies have done to us with such a poor design of the SMPS, but without a video of how this dissipates the EMI/RFI down to FCC compliant conductive emissions levels on the wire for either type A (Commercial) and type B (Computer) devices.Sincerely,William S. Bathgate256-570-5434Letters:Dear Stop Smart Meters!
Supporters:This is a crucial action to take (by this Wed. 1) Telecoms are promoting and planning implementation of 5G devices near our homes, perhaps even in the microcells being put on poles outside our homes. Little research has been done on 5G frequencies, but one study shows that the effects could be extremely dangerous.
We are electrical beings and even our sweat glands seem to be perfect antennae for 5G. Here is a letter written by one of the participants in the study to the FCC warning about the dangers.A simple video re. I think this is something that could be useful when having to explain why Telus is putting microcells throughout every neighbourhood. Multimedia; Video; Wireless; Everything You Need to Know About 5G Millimeter waves, massive MIMO, full duplex, beamforming, and small cells are just a few of the 2) A member found a government document charging Vizio with capturing and sharing personal data via their televisions, etc. By reading this, it seems that Vizio captures data not only via “smart” TVs but also has via software loaded remotely on TVs that were not initially capable of doing this.“The Federal Trade Commission said Monday that Vizio used 11 million televisions to spy on its customers.
The television maker agreed to pay $2.2 million to settle a case with the FTC and the New Jersey attorney general’s office after the agencies accused it of secretly collecting — and selling — data about its customers’ locations, demographics and viewing habits.”. Who watches the watchers? Maybe smart televisions. Vizio will pay $2.2 million to settle a case after accusations it secretly collected and sold the information from 11 million televisions.3) In Michigan, lawmakers are trying to allow people to keep their analog meters without an opt out fee being charged, thus protecting consumers from the power of a monopoly. Where are our politicians who are supposed to be protecting us?“Rep.
Glenn tells News 10 the choice should be up to the home owner.“As long as those utilities are a state privilege monopoly given the right exclusively to deliver electricity, then we are going to protect homeowners from that kind of monopoly policy,” said Rep. “Trying to force certain technology on homeowners against their will or if they refuse to have it installed, charge them.”. There’s a move in the state legislature to get rid of fees that utilities charge to customers who want to keep their ‘old meters’.4) Laptops (and other wireless devices) should not be put near the body.
Many studies have shown that fertility in men is negatively affected by exposure to microwave radiation via any device, such as having cell phones in pockets or putting laptops on laps.“Today laptops are a great tool for education and learning, work and personal multimedia. Millions of men, especially those in the reproductive age, are frequently using their laptop computers on the lap (thigh). Over the past several years, our lab has focused on the health effects of exposure to different sources of electromagnetic fields such as cellular phones, mobile base stations, mobile phone jammers, laptop computers, radars, dentistry cavitrons and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Our own studies as well as the studies performed by other researchers indicate that using laptop computers on the lap adversely affects the male reproductive health. Due to weather issues my return home was delayed from Saturday until Monday midnight.
It will take me awhile to catch up on emails and update information.1) One of our members, Olga Sheean, has written a very important document and petition to the WHO. Please consider signing and sharing with friends and relatives, and with your local media. The WHO is key in allowing the proliferation of RF and the inaccurate, misleading information behind which Health Canada and Dr. Perry Kendall can hide.
If we wish to make our environment and homes safer, WHO must be forced to acknowledged independent science. Please, do not sign again if you have signed already.Please find attached the WHO document I’ve been working on for the past two months. Hard copies have been delivered to WHO and the UN, and I’m now sending it out to my lists and the various networks worldwide.It would be wonderful if you could share it with your contacts and any other orgs, media, MPs or government agencies you feel should see it.The document can also be downloaded here – and it’s probably best to use this link if you share it:I’ll be e-mailing it to my media list, as will other contacts around the world. If we can get mainstream media coverage on this, it will make all the difference.Many thanks in advance for your help with this.Olga2) “Children with spectrum disorders (ASD) are uniquely vulnerable to various brain-related impacts of screen time.
These electronic “side effects” include hyperarousal and dysregulation—what I call —as well as technology, to video games, internet, smartphones, social media, and so on.”3) In Europe industry people are admitting there are many problems associated with smeters and that they are not needed for a “smart” grid. In BC and the rest of No. America this is one of the primary justifications for this expensive, dangerous device.“A transition to an intelligent electricity grid in Europe can take place without smart meters, industry players have said, in comments that will embarrass the European Commission, which pushed a Europe-wide plan to roll out smart meters years agoThe actual benefits of smart meters were also questioned at the conference, as several member states have done previously.
Germany, for instance, has decided not to have a national roll-out plan at all, running counter to requirements laid out in EU legislation.”4) In Ontario there has been talk about privatizing Hydro One due to debts, and people are fighting this potential action. In BC many suspect this is the goal of the Liberals – drive the once proud provincial jewel into debt by making expensive deals with corporate friends that are unnecessary and of no benefit to the BC rate/tax payers and then claim that a sale would be the best action.
This would leave the public with the debt and no assets.“First, the Liberals said they had no intention of privatizing the utility. A blue-ribbon advisory panel tasked with looking into government assets, agreed.Then the Liberals changed their minds and said they would sell 60 per cent of Hydro One, effectively transforming it into a private monopoly. The blue ribbon panel obligingly agreed to that as well.In December 2015, following the sale of the first chunk of Hydro One shares, the Liberal Party held an “appreciation” event to which they invited all those who had profited from the privatization. The 24 who showed up demonstrated their appreciation by donating $7,500 each to the Liberals.”Letters:From: Jerry FlynnSent: February 6, 2017 2:34 PMTo:Subject: FW: BC Hydro’s Frightening Proposal to City of Vancouver to Build Electrical Substation(s) Beneath a City-Center Public School and ParkBoard of Directors,Real Estate Association of BCPlease beware. Should BC Hydro be permitted to go ahead with its proposal (to build one or more electrical substations over top of a public school and park in downtown Vancouver/Yaletown) the City of Vancouver should expect, as a minimum: Land and real estate values will fall, significantly if not drastically! Neighboring home prices will fall (within, say, a minimum of 1/2 Km of a substation)! Within 10 years (the typical latency period for most major diseases) the population in and around that area – and those working at the school and the students – will start experiencing significant new diseases.
Within 10 years, house sales, at reduced prices, will start to appear in and around that community as people become aware of the underground substations. 1) An excellent presentation about smart cities and smart meters – including details about how smeters can be hacked using the zigbee chip.
Well worth sharing with many.(45 min).2) An update to the news article about the hacking of the electrical grid in Vermont that I included in the Dec. It has now been reported that the malware/hacking did not reach the grid but was isolated to a single computer. But as James Woolsey, former director of the FBI said, it’s a matter of when, not if, the grid is penetrated by accident or malicious intent.3) The telecoms are racing forward with 5G technology, with no thought being given to ensuring that there are no health effects if these new extremely high frequencies and the greater power required to use them. Could the microcells being installed by Telus be to satisfy the need to increase the number of base stations required by 5G?To fully achieve 5G, carriers and smartphone manufacturers must also figure out how to deliver high-speed data to mobile users who are riding in cars or trains or walking on sidewalks. And the grandest vision for 5G extends far beyond mobile devices—to autonomous cars, connected appliances, and industrial robots.There are other problems, too.
Millimeter waves don’t easily penetrate obstacles such as buildings, and they are more readily absorbed than traditional microwave cell signals by water and oxygen molecules in the air. So they require more power to travel the same distances as the signals from today’s smartphones. Given these issues, using millimeter waves to serve mobile users will require more sophisticated signal processing and a greater density of base stations than are available today.4) A member recently asked me about the BC Cancer Agency, asking why they have old and incorrect information on their website about RF and wireless devices. Good question and I wish I had an answer. There is nothing on the website that I could find about the recent NTP study confirming that cell phone usage is linked to brain cancer, even though the US Cancer Society called it sound science. I believe the time has arrived for us to demand that the Cancer Agency stop misleading the public and being to educate them about the risks that so many scientists have found.
The same goes for the website of the BC health officer, Perry Kendall. We need some people who will join together to begin a campaign to have truth available to the public on both of these websites. This would be a wonderful project to begin our 2017 push to make this a safer place to live. Anyone with time and willingness to participate? Please contact me at with “Update websites” on the subject line.5) Below is a letter from Dr.
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Olle Johansson about “Electrohypersensitivity (EHS) and multiple sclerosis (MS) – more about a possible connection”.6) Non smeter or EMR. A wonderful column by Rafe Mair, a New Year’s letter to PM Trudeau. We must not forget Trudeau’s promise to make science-based decisions.
When is he going to start?Letters:Info from a member re outages. I suggested a complaint be made to Hydro ( ) and BCUC ( ) Hydro’s service in just about every category leaves a lot to be desired.Our power went out a couple of hours ago and when I called Hydro on their emergency power out line on our land line, they would not accept the call from what they call a ” rotary phone “. We have a push button land line but three times they repeated the question and three times I pressed “1” to the question posed and finally the recording said the above.
Our daughter was here so she was able to use her cell phone outside and got through to them and they confirmed that the power was off along the valley and they had deployed a team.Perhaps this info. Is useful for others.I was really stressed not knowing if it was just us. We have three freezers and two refrigerators quite full. Thank goodness it is on now.
One never knows what could be coming down.Dear All on my mailing list,I have had a very interesting realization and insight. For several years, I have tried to help and support a family with an electrohypersensitive 34-year old daughter in Germany, and now I begin to see the light. During the Christmas holidays I have continued my work for them, and we are currently trying to put more and more pieces of their biomedical jigsaw puzzle together.The daughter’s history goes like this: At the age of eight (in 1990) she developed a claimed sensitivity to the family’s computer/computer screen, later followed by the wireless indoor DECT phone, the mobile phone bought around 1995, and other household installations. Her parents did, however, not believe her at all and tried to get her to let go of these “wrong ideas”, they even scolded her and treated her harshly due to her “imaginations”. She then learnt to hide her electrohypersensitivity, but at the age of 16 her problems had escalated to such a level that it became impossible to continue doing so.
She was acutely admitted to the high school nurse who referred her to a university medical doctor who, in turn, examined her and concluded that she had developed an early form of an “atypical MS”, however not presenting the typical initial symptoms of MS (such as tingling, weakness in arms/legs, reduced (or loss of) balance, thinking problems, blurred or double vision, lack of coordination/clumsiness, numbness), but rather skin rashes, cutaneous heat sensations, redness, itch, pricking pain, concentration capacity reductions, short-term memory dysfunction, and irregular heart palpitations. She was admitted into a medical treatment program – including i.a. 1) Hydro and ITRON have lied to us from the very beginning, from the time they said that there were no such things as wired smeters and then later that they cost $35,000 each, to Measurements Canada has changed their requirements making analogs antiquated, to the meters emit only 4-6 signals a day and that no smeter has caused a fire. This is the same as the telecom industry lying about the real science. Here is a great article explaining how industry has formed “misinformation” campaigns to continue to line their pockets at our expense.
Read in the comments how Canada was one of the first countries to have a ban on smoking in some public places, like planes via the Non-smokers right act. We need to try to find the real politicians who will work on this for the sake of our kids and grandkids.“ We’ve seen this pattern repeated on issue after issue. A well-financed group invents lies and convinces a substantial share of the public that those lies are true. The propaganda purveyors recognize that the media’s instinct to cover “both sides” of an issue, people’s tendency to believe claims that conveniently fit their ideology, and, more recently, social media’s propensity to spread falsehoods all create a fundamental weakness in our civil society. They aren’t confused; they don’t misunderstand science or freely accessible truths. They have financial incentives to obscure those realities, and they do not care what they destroy in the process.”Look at the comments at around 9:14 am and you will see that one politician stood out with his political integrity.“ In late 1987 or early 1988, the Parliament of Canada considered the Non-Smokers Rights Act. One of the legislative committee’s first steps was to call all the CEOs of the large tobacco companies to ask about health effects.
All denied any adverse health effects despite many many studies to the contrary.Luckily, in early 1988. The first major report on the effects of second hand smoke was published and an all-party consensus developed to ban smoking on planes and trains as well as in the public service office place.The then chair of the Parliamentary Health Committee was an MD who represented the largest tobacco growing constituency in Canada. I posed he question to him “was he a doctor or a politician”. He voted for the Non Smokers Rights Act and wrote a heartfelt letter to his constituents as to why he felt health trumped economics (expecting to be voted out of office). He won re-election with an increased majority and told me that many constituents had commented that they valued a having a principled representative.
His actions took real courage.”2) I must admit that I am still learning about fiber optic cable, but from what I’ve learned so far this would be a great option to push to Hydro, BCUC, the politicians, etc. If we must have smeters.3) The threat from the US Navy’s assault continues to the well-being and environment of Washington State, BC and the waters around us. Where are our politicians?? We have work to do!December 16, 2016As we review and respond to the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) on the addition of 36 more Growlers to their fleet on Whidbey Island, and the decision by the Forest Service to grant a permit to the Navy to install mobile electronic emitters in the Olympic National Forest, the Navy recently revealed that the aquifer under the Navy’s Outlying Field in Coupeville is contaminated with toxic chemicals!
Read the latest news about this and by going to.We are being bombarded by decisions and deadlines during the busiest, most distracted time of the year! STOP believes that this is deliberate and insulting to the citizenry! Therefore, we are asking EVERYONE receiving this communication (more than 2200 subscribers) to take a quick moment right now and request 45-day timeline extensions for both issues.1. The Forest Service comment link: To request an extension of 45 more days on their decision to permit the Navy to use Forest Service roads for the mobile electromagnetic radiation emitters, go to:2. The Navy’s Draft Environmental Impact Statement to add 36 more Growlers to NASWI comment link:.It is URGENT that we get these deadlines extended, and equally urgent that our voices be heard! The time to act is now!(If you are ready to submit your comments now, use the same links as above. For assistance with your comments and to help formulate your objections go to:;;newly formed Coupeville Community Alliance,4) Primarily due to privacy concerns, a bill has been presented to the Missouri legislature asking for people to be able to opt out and keep their analog smeters.“The privacy issues aren’t merely theoretical.
According to information obtained by the California ACLU, utility companies in the state have disclosed information gathered by smart meters on thousands of customers. San Diego Gas and Electric alone disclosed data on more than 4,000 customers. The vast majority of disclosures were in response to subpoenas by government agencies “often in drug enforcement cases or efforts to find specific individuals,”While enc.