Mercruiser Alpha Drive Serial Numbers
Locating Your Mercruiser Serial NumberSerialized and are in the following format; 0W555555 beginning with the number 0 and not the letter O.
Stern Drive serial numbers.(Continue down to the next posts for engine locations)-All Mercury Marine serial numbers follow a particular format, be they Engine, Drive or Gimbal housing.Up to about 1984 it was 7 digits (numbers), like '6756434'. In 1984 Mercury reached 9999999 and introduced a new numbering system, and its the system they still use. The number is now 8 characters. It starts with a number, then a letter, then 6 more numbers, such as '0F456123'. When the last of the '0' series was reached (around 2007 for stern drives), they then started again but with a '1' at the beginning, like '1A987345'.The usual first place to look is the engine cover (later models) or a rocker cover (earlier models). There may be some decals with the numbers on them in that location. If there isn't, use the guide below to find the serial numbers.-'Alpha' style Drive serial numbers.On MC-1 drives from 1963 to 1982, at the bottom of the rear decal of the housing (location 'd' below).
Old Mercury Outboards Year
Also under the decal on the port side of the drive-shaft housing, stamped into the metal (location 'c'). The gimbal housing also has its own number (location 'a').On 'R', 'MR', Alpha One and Alpha One gen II drives (1983 to current), the serial number for the drive has been moved to the port side decal. If the decal is missing, or unreadable, then the number is also stamped into the housing as before, under the decal.
The Gimbal housing location remains the same.Bravo Drive serial numbers.Bravo drives (1988 to approx 2008), the serial number for the drive is on the port side decal. If the decal is missing, or unreadable, then the number is also stamped into the housing as before, under the decal. The Gimbal housing location remains the same as the Alpha style drives.Bravo drives (Approx 2008 to current), the serial numbers are now etched into plates. On the transom, across the upper steering swivel shaft clamp bolts at the top of the gimbal ring, and on the drive on the continuity plate, port side, by the bell-housing attaching studs.
The numbers are also etched into the casting, as per the following images.TR/TRS Drive serial numbers.TR/TRS drives (1974 to 1993), at the bottom of the rear decal of the housing (location 'a' far below). The Gimbal housing location remains the same as the Bravos and Alpha style drive. (location 'a' below) (NOTE: Earlier TR/TRS drives (1974 to 1978) have the serial number in the same place as the MC-1, on the port side decal). Re: Where to find Mercruier Stern Drive and Engine serial numbers.In-line Engine serial number locations(Scroll up to the previous post for Drive serial number locations, down to the next post for V6 and V8 engine locations )NOTE: No engine serial numbers are ON the starter-motor.
The starter-motor is being used as a location reference point.-All Mercury Marine serial numbers follow a particular format, be they Engine, Drive or Gimbal housing.Up to about 1984 it was 7 digits (numbers), like 6756434 In 1984 Mercury reached 9999999 and introduced a new numbering system, and it is the system they still use. The number is now 8 characters.
It starts with a number, then a letter, then 6 more numbers, such as 0F456123. When the last of the 0 series was reached (around 2007 for stern drives), they then started again but with a 1 at the beginning, like 1A987345.The usual first place to look is the engine cover (later models) or a rocker cover (earlier models). There may be some decals with the numbers on them in that location. If the numbers or decals are missing then use the guide below to help find the serial numbers.-4 and 6 cylinder In-line GM engines (2.5L, 3.0L, 4.1L)1963-1977.1978-current. Just a little further down from previously, above the starter-motor.Mercury Marine (3.7L aka '470')1976 to Approx.
1984 to 1989. The tag was moved to the starboard side at the back of the engine block, just above the oil pan gasket.Move down to the next post for the V6 and V8 engines. Re: Where to find Mercruier Stern Drive and Engine serial numbers.V6 and V8 Stern Drive Engine serial number locations(Scroll up to the previous posts for Drive serial number locations and in-line engine locations )NOTE: No engine serial numbers are ON the starter-motor. The starter-motor is being used as a location reference point.-All Mercury Marine serial numbers follow a particular format, be they Engine, Drive or Gimbal housing.Up to about 1984 it was 7 digits (numbers), like '6756434'. In 1984 Mercury reached 9999999 and introduced a new numbering system, and it's the system they still use. The number is now 8 characters.
It starts with a number, then a letter, then 6 more numbers, such as '0F456123'. When the last of the '0' series was reached (around 2007 for stern drives), they then started again but with a '1' at the beginning, like '1A987345'.The usual first place to look is the engine cover (later models) or a rocker cover (earlier models). There may be some decals with the numbers on them in that location. If there isn't, use the guide below to find the serial numbers.-GM V8 - 1977 to current. V6 - 1983 to current. On the flywheel housing, starboard side, above the starter-motor.GM V8 - up to 1977. On the flywheel housing, starboard side, above the starter-motor.Ford V8 - 1970-1977.
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